Daily Archives: 12 octobre 2022

Conventional and unconventional economic policies in an econometric SFC model of the French economy

Chercheurs associésEnjeux macro-économiques et sociétauxJacques MazierPublicationsResearch areaWorking papersCommentaires fermés sur Conventional and unconventional economic policies in an econometric SFC model of the French economy

A first version of an econometric SFC model of the French economy based on the accumulation accounts from INSEE and on the financial accounts of the Bank of France has been presented (Mazier and Reyes, 2022). It provides the overall structure, the main equations and the basic properties of the model. This paper is based on the same model with some improvements.

A stock flow consistent model for the French economy in Macromodelling, economic policy and methodology: economics at the edge

Books & Official ReportsChercheurs associésEnjeux macro-économiques et sociétauxJacques MazierPublicationsResearch areaCommentaires fermés sur A stock flow consistent model for the French economy in Macromodelling, economic policy and methodology: economics at the edge

Reyes and Mazier present a first version of an econometric stock flow consistent (SFC) model of the French economy – an aggregate model with a single product, five domestic agents and the rest of the world with a complete representation of real and financial sectors in stocks and flows.

Quelles instrumentations pour la planification écologique des innovations complexes ?

Chercheurs associésComptes rendus d’événementsDominique PlihonGuy MeunierJean-Pierre PonssardPolitiques sectoriellesResearch areaCommentaires fermés sur Quelles instrumentations pour la planification écologique des innovations complexes ?

Un premier atelier tenu le 8 avril dernier a souligné les difficultés d’articulation entre les scénarios bas carbone et la mise en œuvre des innovations complexes dans la stratégie des entreprises. Ce deuxième atelier explorerait comment ces démarches top down et bottom up peuvent être abordées de manière complémentaire.