Monthly Archives: février 2024

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Green Demonstrators: Application to the Container Glass Industry in France

Chercheurs associésJean-Pierre PonssardMaria Eugenia SaninMaryam SadighiPolitiques sectoriellesPublicationsResearch areaWorking papersCommentaires fermés sur Cost-Benefit Analysis for Green Demonstrators: Application to the Container Glass Industry in France

Adopting disruptive technologies for decarbonizing hard-to-abate industrial sectors requires experimentation through demonstration (pilot) projects. However, from an economic perspective, the potential long-term benefits and the difficulties in designing relevant public policies are not addressed in the standard valuations of those projects.

Emerging consensus on net energy paves the way for improved integrated assessment modeling

Chercheurs associésEnjeux macro-économiques et sociétauxPublicationsPublicationsResearch areaVictor CourtCommentaires fermés sur Emerging consensus on net energy paves the way for improved integrated assessment modeling

Extracting, processing, and delivering energy requires energy itself, which reduces the net energy available to society and yields considerable socioeconomic implications. Yet, most mitigation pathways and transition models overlook net energy feedbacks.