Enjeux climatiques et gouvernance d’entreprise : Analyse des indices FTSE100, HDAX et SBF120

Cécile CézanneFinancial regulation and innovative financingPublicationsPublicationsResearch areaResearch FellowsSandra RigotComments Off on Enjeux climatiques et gouvernance d’entreprise : Analyse des indices FTSE100, HDAX et SBF120
Author(s) :
Cécile Cézanne, Yves Kassi, Sandra Rigot

Article published in Entreprise & Société

This article analyses the integration of climate issues into corporate governance. Based on data from the 2019 CDP survey, it shows that FTSE100, HDAX, and SBF120 companies use similar control and incentive mechanisms to ensure the transparency of climate information, despite some specificities related to their legal and institutional environments. The paper identifies some shortcomings and makes recommendations to overcome them.